Quarter turn electric actuators employ electricity to power the mechanical components that open, close, and throttle...
ICI's Actuator & Valve Industry Blog
Recent Posts
A valve actuator is a mechanism designed to open or close a valve. With many different types and styles of actuator on...
Mon, Aug 05, 2019
Automation helps with activities and processes without the need for personnel to physically engage in carrying them...
Mon, Jul 22, 2019
Today’s sophisticated process-control systems require a deep understanding of the specifications of each element in...
Tue, May 28, 2019
The simple short phrase “fail-safe actuator” conjures a vision of a wide range of different actuators. In fact, when...
Mon, May 20, 2019
As the process industry continues to achieve more efficient and productive plant design, plant engineers and...
Mon, Apr 15, 2019
An electric actuator is a mechanical device used to convert electricity into kinetic energy in either a single linear...
Thu, Apr 04, 2019
Although safeguards are implemented numerous times over while constructing electrically automated flow systems,...
Thu, Feb 23, 2017
The likelihood of a motor failure without external causes is very rare. Motor failure rates from our experience are...
Tue, Jan 03, 2017
Due to the nature and physical properties of anodic coatings, anodized aluminum products and components are used in...
Mon, Oct 31, 2016
Based on the power source used, actuators can be divided into two main categories:
- Electric actuators: using either...
Thu, Sep 01, 2016
Plant engineers are tasked with a vital job: equipping their plants with the most reliable, high quality and...
Fri, Nov 20, 2015
Significant global energy demand growth and rising living standards in China, India, and the Middle East, coupled with...
Fri, Jul 24, 2015
Tue, Jun 16, 2015
Over the years and across the globe, Earth Day has become one of the most widely celebrated environmental events. The...
Fri, Apr 17, 2015