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The Benefits of Using Automated Valves

Posted by Olivier Tisserand | Mon, Jul 22, 2019 5 Comments

Automation helps with activities and processes without the need for personnel to physically engage in carrying them out. Automating valves is particularly valuable for controlling flow in piping systems requiring precision control or fail-safe emergency shutoff. A closer examination of the various benefits of using automated valves provides insight into their overall industrial impact, improved output control, and increased safety in manufacturing and production.



The Impact of Automated Valve Actuators

The use of automated valve actuators affects several aspects of manufacturing and different forms of processing, which might include hazardous materials, oil and gas, chemicals, food and beverage, and others. Operating valves manually poses a series of risks:

  • Manual valve operation is a time and labor-intensive process.
  • Manual operation increases the risk of human error in measurement and may increase operational costs through unnecessary waste that comes from ruined product.

Automated valve actuators provide operators with a more efficient, streamlined control of piping system flows facilitating more accurate costs per unit.

Improving Output with Automated Valves

Improved output control using automated valves helps to cut costs related to product waste. Automated valves do not depend on an operator, which allows them to continue to monitor and adjust flow through a system without interruption.

Paired with battery backup systems providing an emergency power supply, they can continue to produce even during power outage events or at least safely end the current process until utility power is restored. Valve automation allows operators to set optimal operating positions, allowing for flow adjustments and monitoring with limited operator involvement. Automated valves also help maintain the safest possible operating levels when dealing with potentially dangerous materials and environmental factors.

Increasing Safety with Automated Valve Actuators

Adding to operator safety, actuator valves help to control consistent operating levels and maintain safety in environments where extreme temperatures, pressure levels, noxious fumes, flammable elements, or other circumstances have the potential to create catastrophic failures. In emergencies, automated valve actuators return to fail-safe positions, preventing accidents, environmental hazards, damaged to equipment or structures, and other devastating consequences.

This type of valve also allows for remote access of valves that might be difficult or impossible to reach safely in order to manually return them to a safe position.

Automated Valve Actuators with Indelac Controls

A number of automated valve options, including fail-safe actuators, are available from Indelac Controls, Inc. Our custom mounting kits give us the capability to automate any type of valve or damper.

The products we engineer meet CSA NEMA-7 standards and are manufactured in the United States to ensure optimal quality control during design and production. Our team of experts can help clients identify of worn or damaged automated valves or valve components and assist with replacement operations. As a U.S.-based company, we can also provide expedited shipping anywhere in the country.

Automation has an impact on a wide range of manufacturing operations. It is especially beneficial when applied to valve actuation in processing facilities. Among the benefits of valve automation are greater cost-effective production through the reduction of waste, optimized output control requiring limited operator interaction, and increased safety of systems with the potential to produce catastrophic events in emergency situations. 

Contact us or request a quote for more information about our automated valves and related products and services.

